× NOTE: For up-to-date information on .strandberg* guitars, please visit our site here. This site remains available as a “museum” only for historical purposes. It has not been updated since 2015, and will contain information that is no longer valid or accurate.

LP Special Conversion Project

As advertised previously, I have been working on converting a knock-off Les Paul Special (kind-of) to a headless design. Since the subject in question is actually not playable (neck is bent beyond repair), I have not attempted to make it a nice looking instrument. Instead, I am merely trying to illustrate some of the levels of freedom you get with EGS.
Here is the end result:

I began with the converted Tune-o-Matic tailpiece that I have shown earlier.

And a $100 guitar that was given to me as scrap.

Here, I have routed a ditch behind the tuners to allow access for the fingers.

For the head, I decided on an adventurous design, again only to illustrate the flexibility of the EGS string locks.

You lock the strings from the inside of the “V”:

The end result again:

Now, I don’t have the Tune-o-Matic available as a standard product. Please do contact me though if you have one that you would like to have converted. In the future, I may develop this concept further, but for now I will rely on standard parts.