× NOTE: For up-to-date information on .strandberg* guitars, please visit our site here. This site remains available as a “museum” only for historical purposes. It has not been updated since 2015, and will contain information that is no longer valid or accurate.

The HAARP Machine – Al Mu’min


One of the hottest guitarists out there currently, Al Mu’min of The|HAARP|Machine, has had #16 for a while. Check out this clip and guitar presentation for something to look forward to in the spring, when their first album comes out! I will also say that Al and I are working on a few other projects that will be worth the wait…

Video by Ethesham Haque



  1. Interview With Ola Strandberg of .strandberg* Guitarworks - [...] near future. Contrary to earlier transparent approaches, I have been doing some skunk works with Al Mu’min of the…